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Reflection and Moving Forward

"Winter in Tyne Valley" is a scene behind the library in Tyne Valley, PEI. It is the dam and the river that flows through "The Valley" as we affectionately call it. The original sold, but prints are available


In the Studio

I am finishing up a commission and have started a new one. This one is for a housewarming gift from a mother to her son. It will be awhile before I show it to you as she will not be picking it up until June 2023 when she travels to the Island. I am also working on the 10 paintings I want to complete for my Mill River theme. Two done and 8 more to go. I will show those to you in my upcoming newsletters.


Most Recent Work

Another commission that I was so happy to create for another client. She gave it to her husband for Christmas. She said her husband was so very pleased as it was a memory of the house they use to live in. I love capturing memories for my clients.



Tips for the Artist in You

Now is the time to reflect on your past year's art journey. What went well for you, what didn't go so good. Tell me what your successes were in 2022 and what were your challenges. What are your goals for 2023? Hit reply and let me know. I would love to hear them.

Goals should be SMART.

  • S - Specific

  • M - Measurable

  • A - Achievable

  • R - Realistic

  • T - Time-bound

Getting into a routine helps. Try to paint the same time each day. Look up videos on techniques other artists use that may help you in your painting. And try something new.

If you have any questions, please send me an email and I would be more than happy to


Rain, Rain Go Away

Rain, rain go away is what my little 18 month grandson says.

We have been getting rain instead of snow. Some people don't like snow, but I do. I am patiently waiting to go snowshoeing and skiing.


If you know of someone you think would enjoy my newsletters, please forward this email along to them and they can sign up with this link If you missed any of my newsletters, most of them are on my blog on my website. Talk to you soon. June


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